To be able to trade on Betfair in a profitable manner, it is necessary to send orders to the market with a simple click of the mouse and this can be done only by using a professional Betfair trading software that automatically updates the odds in real time and has many evolved functionalities.
- Written by: DevelopUser
- Category: Trading betfair

Become a Bookmaker will be possible for anyone desiring it, thanks to Betfair and betting exchange. Become a bookmaker does not mean playing the " institutional " rule of the bank delivering the odds to every player, but being able to sell a stake (Laying) going to cross electronically and anonymously bet of another player. Laying an odd is the peculiarity offered by Betfair; it means going to bet that the chosen event will not occur. You bet against the laid This concept of primary importance and uniqueness will be used not to sell the odds to other punters, who instead want to point the odds, but only to do to sporting trade! In fact, in the traditional meaning of the word, to become a bookmaker means selling odds to the bettors and to do this it is necessary both to have special software that calculate the risk of the various operations and a significant start-up capital. On the other hand with Betfair you will use the bank only to trade and then exit a position previously opened with a bet. Laying is, in fact, the exact opposite of betting and allows us to close the operation at any time by giving us the exceptional opportunity to trade on live events. Now with a traditional bookmaker we can only point to an event before the match and hope that this will occur, or in some cases make a bet in a lice event but only by betting the event which, anyhow, remains in the portfolio until the conclusion of the chosen event . With Betfair you can instead back and lay the odds for each operation continuously making small profits that are added up to get at the end a great profit in relation to employed capital. Laying offers us the immeasurable advantage of being able to trade !
- Written by: DevelopUser
- Category: Trading betfair
>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In venenatis dui ac mi mollis vel venenatis massa faucibus. Mauris pellentesque massa at massa tempor malesuada blandit quam adipiscing. Aenean erat enim, consequat malesuada mollis nec, venenatis nec lacus. Nam sed erat lacus, nec sodales augue. Nulla facilisi. Duis ac tempor nisi. Suspendisse egestas rutrum nunc, in hendrerit ligula tincidunt vel. Etiam sit amet turpis sit amet mi pretium consectetur. Curabitur at nibh lectus, sit amet vestibulum mi. Fusce in odio et leo condimentum aliquet.
- Written by: DevelopUser
- Category: Trading betfair
- Written by: DevelopUser
- Category: Trading betfair

Betfair, nowadays the undisputed leader in the Betting Exchange , was born in the late 90's by intuition of two English friends Andrew Black , trader at JP Morgan, and Edward Wray , programmer and professional gambler . The core of this new and exciting entrepreneurial activity, is a ' brilliant idea since the two friends were able to integrate and fuse the two " worlds " until then different and diametrically opposed: Bets and financial markets. The idea under Betfair was to create a fully electronic trading platform where anyone : bettors , bookmakers, or simple people could freely place bets without having to physically turn to a bookmaker. In this Betfair platform everyone can backing an odd, or selling an odd commonly named Laying, prerogative until then in the hands of bookmakers only. This idea, despite looking very simple, has shocked the world and revolutionized the betting and bookmakers because it opened a previously closed market and lack of transparency. The bookmaker , given the success of Betfair, tried over the years to hinder the Exchange by realizing the loss of a significant part of business and a migration of customers towards this new method . But we must emphasize that the complaints for a different tax treatment have some foundation because the bookmakers pay to the various States a fixed % on betting odds, while the Exchanges ( e.g. Italy), pay to the State the percentage of 20 % on gross fees generated by the customer , in addition to the taxes that accrue to society as a legal entity. The bookmakers for their function of Banco , have a gross margin on profit in a range from 10 to 15 % of the value of the offer; therefore without their brokerage units - by force of circumstances - in Betfair are better and therefore the highest . Thats for this reason, that the two founders, gave the name Betfair to their new creature. In fact the same just means " betting right".
Since 2000 Betfair has grown year after year always increasing revenues by about 10% and has reached a total of about 3 million customers from 140 countries. Even products in the platform Betfair have always been increased. Initially it started with the horses and with the major sports, then all the other sports, in order to cover all the world scenario, were added (such as darts , dogs , billiards , golf, etc.). At the same time just to meet the new requirements of customers (in line with the other competitors) , the other gambling games such as poker , casino, live casino , arcade , bingo and even as a novelty Exchange Game have been implemented. The Exchange games in fact work with the same logic and rules of the Sports Exchange, but with the possibility to back or lay the portion controlled by certified software that simulate the croupier.
The commercial policy of Betfair in recent period has changed preferring to close the registration to residents of those nations that have narrowed the rules of the gambling game such as USA, Germany , Switzerland, Russia, Norway, Canada, Denmark etc . Betfair has opened in Italy since several years the company Betfair Ltd based in Milan and 100% controlled by Betfair International plc which operates in the online gaming industry without any collection agency in the country with the site www.betfair.it. Next country should be certanly Spain and maybe France.
- Written by: DevelopUser
- Category: Trading betfair